Year: 2017

Why Attend the Watchnight Thanksgiving Worship Service?

Dear BPCWAians, This year, December 31st falls on Sunday. This means that for many of us who are reading this, you have come for the morning Worship Service. So, you may wonder, why then should I come again for the Watchnight Service? After all, I have already worshipped God today – what’s the difference between that and the Watchnight Service? Why have a Watchnight Service? Watchnight service is said to have begun back in the 1700s as a service to have Christians renew their covenant with God with the New Year around the corner. As individuals and as a church, we enter into a covenant with our LORD to serve Him and to obey Him. We covenanted with Him that

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The Birth of Christ, the Lord

Dear BPCWAians, Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Christmas is a day which Christians set aside to remember and tell others about the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Today, we look back on a period more than 2,000 years ago when Christ was born. We celebrate Christmas not because we believe Christ was born exactly on the 25th of December. We do not know for certain the exact date He was born, and it may likely not even have been in December. However, that day has certainly been marked in eternity’s history. That day, the Almighty God took on human flesh to be Redeemer

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Recapturing our 2017 church theme

Dear BPCWAians, This week, we will close up on a relook at our theme for the year. Philippians 1:27 “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”. Steadfastness in service. It is sometimes said that it is easy to begin something, but seeing it through is often the more difficult part. Children burst out in spurts of energy, but may not be able to have the endurance to sustain through difficulties and challenges. Talk is easy, but walking in it is

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Recapturing our 2017 church theme

Dear BPCWAians, As we come to the end of 2017, it is good for us to recapitulate our theme for the year taken from Philippians 1:27 “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”. What God desires for a church. “Only” emphasizes the bottom line principle that the Apostle Paul wanted to emphasize for the church in Philippi. “Conversation” alludes to the life of citizens who belong to a country or city and how they are conforming its laws as they

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BPCWA Children Holiday Program and You (Yes, you)

Dear BPCWAians, We are going to have the Children Holiday Bible Program (CHBP) in two weeks’ time (18 – 20 December, 8:45 am – 12 pm). Before you think it is a children’s program and will not be interested, please read on. It is good for us to understand why we started this program so that you can do your part to support its spiritual purpose. Purpose of CHBP. There are 2 key aims. The first is based upon Prov 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Hence in CHBP, we teach the children key topics which aid them in their spiritual growth and walk

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The Reformation and Music: Music is Next to Theology (Part 4)

Dear BPCWAians, Over the last 3 weeks, we saw the Protestant Reformation’s influence on church music. To summarize, the Reformers ensured that church fulfilled its teaching purpose, which meant it must be theologically sound. They re- established congregational singinvg instead of just choirs. Words of the songs were the focus, not the accompanying music. We saw how music was meant to support the songs, not distract the worshipers from them. Music compositions and playing styles avoided frilly embellishments to avoid drawing attention to the music itself. So while the counter-reformation turned church music into a concert performance to draw the crowd, the Reformers remained steadfast to the Biblical purposes and principles for music. Last week, we saw how today the

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The Reformation and Music: Music is Next to Theology (Part 3)

Dear BPCWAians, Today, we will continue to see how the church’s view has changed since the Reformation in 2 particular areas. How music and worship has changed today Music above theology While many would propound Luther’s saying that “music is next to theology”, what they likely mean in effect is that music – not the theology put to music – is key. This phrase has taken on a new meaning of putting music on par with theology. But nothing should be thought to be on par with God’s Word. The Reformers emphasized sound theological music which served a didactic purpose. God never intended the church to entertain, but to edify, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in

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The Reformation and Music: Music is Next to Theology (Part 2)

Dear BPCWAians, Last week we saw the Reformers’ emphasis on the teaching aspect of songs by ensuring that 1) songs must be theologically sound and that 2) songs serve a teaching purpose, hence it must be understood. In their reformation of church music, they also 3) returned to congregational singing during worship. This made it even more necessary for the accompanying music not to distract but help focus on the words of the hymns instead of the music and musician’s style. This week, we will see 3 other areas the Reformers focused on. 4) Music must be fitting Both Luther and Calvin generally rejected the elaborateness of the music. Such fancifulness was already very common during their time. But this

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The Reformation and Music: Music is Next to Theology

Dear BPCWAians, As we commemorate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation this year, I have condensed and adapted an article which I was requested to write concerning “The Reformation and Music: Music Is Next To Theology” for a commemorative booklet produced by Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church. I pray that this article will help all of us at BPCWA to be alert to prevent contemporary music creeping into our church. The aims given for the article are twofold: 1) to discuss the emphasis the Reformers placed on music and worship, and 2) to discuss how have churches today have changed in their view of music and worship. Reformers on music and worship While the church was going through sweeping changes during

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Motives And Attitudes Of Our Works

Dear BPCWAians, Continuing from last week, we will address a popular but erroneous concept of “good works” and also discuss our attitude in doing any work. 1) Market place good works.This is an increasingly popular but unbiblical concept. It is in effect works motivated by economic benefits. Promoted by what is known as the Faith and Work (or the Faith at Work) Movement, it began through the Christian Businessmen’s Committee and the Full Gospel Businessmen International and has developed beyond Scriptural principles. This is the “theology” of economics where one is encouraged to think about contributing value to the community through the product or service, integrating faith into life in the marketplace to make it more holistic. Ultimately, it is

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