
Dear BPCWAians, On New Year’s Day, we gave out the church’s 2017 activities calendar for you to keep with you through the year. Activities conducted monthly or less regularly are reflected in these calendars, while the more regular ones are reflected on the last page of each Sunday’s bulletin. It is made as a bookmark so you can have it in your Bibles or your bags for easy reference.

Planned for your spiritual benefit. Heb 10:25 reminds us, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” While we remain on this earth, Christians and the church are always in a spiritual battle with the devil. Dangers and snares abound, the cares of this world threaten to choke our spiritual walk. God calls believers to be part of a church, and the church is charged to feed and protect God’s sheep. Bible studies and fellowships are means whereby the people of God come together to learn God’s Word, and through such gatherings, we also fulfil our mutual responsibilities of encouraging each other in our walk with God. As the church grows, where possible, we want to continue to encourage interaction between the old and young, and the English and Chinese speaking brethren. As such, fellowships such as the Church Combined Fellowship Series, Men’s and Ladies’ and Seniors’ Fellowship encourage participation from everyone. We hope that such meetings will enable us as a church to be of “one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (Phil 1:27).

Planned for your planning, prayer support, and participation. The calendar allows worshippers to pray for and plan ahead to attend the important activities for the year. We often plan personal vacations to avoid critical work commitments. In the same way, we also hope that by having these dates in advance, worshippers can mark these dates into their family calendars, thus making your vacation or holiday plans to avoid these dates. And importantly, it serves as a prayer calendar for your individual and family prayers. For example, just to highlight some calendar activities, take note of the Family Camp (2nd to 6th July) as an important date to mark in your calendars now. This is held during the school vacations to enable families to attend and grow together. Submit your leave for it now before your boss says too many people are on leave in office! Husbands, take the leadership to make the BPCWA Family Camp your spiritual recharging time with your family in Christ as well. Start praying early about areas of service you should step up and sign up for at the Rededication Sunday. Plan to get involved in the Campus Outreach programs by being drivers and opening your homes. Start early to invite your friends’ children to the Children’s Holiday Bible Program and Sunday School Family Day as you interact with other parents in school when you pick your children. These are great evangelistic opportunities. The Church Combined Fellowship Series is open to Christian friends. Why not plan ahead to come and learn about key topics which are important for the whole church to learn together? September 30in30 and City Evangelism are always important reminders for you to participate with the church in the Great Commission. Importantly, members of BPCWA should make it a point to attend the Annual Congregational Meeting (on the 17th September), when the Triennial Election of Session will also be held. Elections are not merely the inventions of men. Instead, the careful appointment of godly leaders “of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom” (Acts 6:3) is the duty of every church member (Acts 6:5). This is a solemn duty for all communicant members in good standing for God’s church. Busy Bee is another time to mark on your calendar. Come to serve the Lord in making His house more conducive for worship.

These activities are aids in helping the church and each of us to stand strong in our Lord. Gal 6:8-9 exhorts, “For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Spend your time and energy wisely by being part of these planned activities for your growth in 2017. Finally, God has put you in BPCWA not by chance. But have you truly been part of it in fellowship and service? Do make 2017 the beginning of your active participation in these calendar activities for your spiritual benefit and for the Lord’s Kingdom.

Yours in our Lord’s service
