Dear BPCWAians, Every Sunday, our bulletin announcements remind worshippers of upcoming Bible Studies and Fellowships which are conducted monthly or on less regular frequencies. At the back of the bulletin is a table of the “Appointments For Today and the Week”. Why do we have Fellowship Groups and Bible Studies? Or perhaps you may wonder – does this apply to me, should I attend? Or you may think – I am regular at Sunday Worship service every week, do I still need to be interested in any of these? What are Fellowship groups? A definition in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the English word “fellowship” as thequalityorstateofbeingfriendly. Another definition in the same dictionary is that fellowship means companionship, company. The world’s
Read moreDear BPCWAians, We just witnessed Rededication Sunday today. For those who are serving in various ministries, you took your vows to serve the Lord with continued fervour and purity. Some of you may still be on the sideline, either still wondering whether you should start serving or waiting and seeing how your life works out before you start. Really, serving our Lord is not an option. In fact, it is a privilege and joy. You are part of the church. Being part of church is being part of a family, a spiritual family. Like any family member in our homes, we do our part to help in the household and contribute in different roles. We may be busy at work,
Read moreDear BPCWAians, We just announced today that Rev Paul Cheng has been co-opted to form BPCWA’s Board of Elders. He graduated from the Far Eastern Bible College in 2009, served in Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore, and is currently the Pastor of Bethel Bible-Presbyterian Church in Melbourne, where he has served for 8 years. Many of us are familiar with him, as he has preached at our family camp and also conducted the wedding of our church members as well. Why is there the need to co-opt? What are the roles of the BOE and Session? Why do we need a BOE when we already have a Session? One key reason is because, being a Presbyterian church, there should be
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Rededication Sunday is in 2 weeks’ time. We have this every year, but do you understand what is it all about? Why do we do so? What is your part in this? It is important for us to understand it and therefore have the right response to it. What is Rededication Sunday about? It is a time when those who are serving in any area in church rededicate themselves by renewing their commitment to serve the Lord. It is also a time for those who have not been serving in any area to ask themselves why they have not been doing so. This year, we are giving out the Rededication forms 2 weeks in advance. Those who are
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