Dear BPCWAians, Continuing from last week, we will address a popular but erroneous concept of “good works” and also discuss our attitude in doing any work. 1) Market place good works.This is an increasingly popular but unbiblical concept. It is in effect works motivated by economic benefits. Promoted by what is known as the Faith and Work (or the Faith at Work) Movement, it began through the Christian Businessmen’s Committee and the Full Gospel Businessmen International and has developed beyond Scriptural principles. This is the “theology” of economics where one is encouraged to think about contributing value to the community through the product or service, integrating faith into life in the marketplace to make it more holistic. Ultimately, it is
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Last week, we looked at the question of whether faith exists without works, and established that what the Bible teaches is that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). Genuine saving faith naturally bears forth fruit. However, while we teach and emphasize the need for good works in a believer’s life, we must also understand what kinds of “good works” are really not Biblically good works in God’s eyes. What the world, and even some professing Christians’ consider as good works can be very different from the good works that God speaks of for a believer’s life. The following are not considered as good works from a Biblical perspective: 1) Works done in order to earn or maintain
Read moreDear BPCWAians, The relationship between works and faith is a subject that has stirred much controversy in Christendom. This very topic prompted the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation, and continues to stir much debate in many Christian circles. Importantly, do you personally know if you were to die today, you will surely go to heaven? There are 2 extremes today – one is “I believe in Christianity, so I am going to heaven even if I hardly have any works in my life”, and the other is “I do what Christians do, so I will go to heaven.” What is the relationship between genuine saving faith and good works? Can genuine faith exist without works? The answer simply is “no”.
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Last week, we looked at various opportunities that are available for us to reach out to others with the gospel. Now that we are aware of the opportunities available for us to do evangelism, what do we do after the initial contact? The Purpose of Evangelism. Our mission must not merely be to deliver souls from hell. Our mission is to bring the souls to the saving knowledge of God. This saving knowledge is ultimately 1) believing in the true gospel and depending on Christ alone for salvation 2) being delivered from the power of sin through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit 3) living for God’s Glory alone thereafter. Often, when we go out tracting
Read moreDear BPCWAians, We talked about evangelism last week – why do we evangelise, how to evangelise and when to evangelise. Since the Great Commission is commanded for all believers, then it means that every worshipper must be a soul winner. Sadly, this has become the Great Omission instead. Evangelism is not an “elite spiritual” activity where only a “select few” are involved, but for everyone. Perhaps it is because we are not conscious of the many daily opportunities for evangelism. So, today, I want to cover a bit more about the several avenues available for us to be able to tell others about the good news. I hope that some of the following suggestions will help to set you thinking
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