Dear BPCWAians, Last week, we looked at a show that portrayed itself as a cultural art performance, but was actually organised by Falun Dafa and was intended to propound a religious motivation and message. We briefly mentioned some of the underlying religious concepts. We will discuss this area a bit more this week. It is necessary because many of such concepts, which are expressed in different forms in various Eastern religions, are actually familiar ideas to many of us. Hence, we might even unconsciously adopt them. What are truly traditional ideas, and what has religious undertones? We must be able to differentiate and be watchful to ensure that wrong beliefs do not deceitfully influence our thinking and practices as Christians.
Read moreDear BPCWAians, In recent months, many of us may have noticed promotions at shopping centres regarding a Chinese cultural show and also advertisements pasted on shop windows or on walls. These advertisements show a graceful Chinese costumed lady in dance, dressed in pink contrasted against a yellowish-orange coloured background. It aroused my curiosity a little, since it seemed to present itself as a Chinese cultural show. So, recently, when I saw a brochure promoting the tickets to the show, I took a copy home to read and understand more about it. With apparently positive reviews from producers, critics, lead ballet dancers, and even by an Archbishop, is this just a promotion of Chinese culture? Is this cultural or religious? Upon
Read more“And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul” (Deut 10:12). Dear BPCWAians, What is the point of a church theme? The key idea is to help the church and its worshippers have a specific area of emphasis for both the church and in our personal walk with God. While we do not typically preach on our church theme throughout the entire year, but mainly at family camp, it is still meant to provide a focus and rallying point as a church and also
Read moreDear BPCWAers. Wishing all worshippers a blessed New Year in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As we enter into a New Year, I felt it is important for us to review what we learnt at our Watchnight Worship Service. Do you wish to have a year with the blessings of God? In Leviticus 26, the LORD God gave specific instructions for the children of Israel about what they needed to do when they enter into the Promised Land. These instructions were part of the covenant they entered into with Him when they took Him as the LORD their God. Every covenant has terms and conditions between the parties. As God’s people, He will bless them for
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