Dear BPCWAians, A fulltimer’s call to the ministry is an important part of the person’s life. It is a personal call but to a public ministry to serve among God’s people in His church. So this week, I am publishing Yew Jinn’s testimony of his call to the ministry. I remember that night more than 3 years ago, when Yew Jinn told me that he wanted to meet with me. He came to the parsonage one night and it was then that he told me that he had confirmed God’s call for him to the fulltime ministry. Unknown to him, the news brought much comfort to my heart that God had called a Chinese minister from our midst to serve
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at the importance of discipling. The church as a whole is called to go out and make disciples of Christ. The Parable of the Wedding Feast speaks of the king’s servants going out to the highways to go out and call people to the feast. Here, it refers to a general call to people to be saved. For the elect, this general call narrows to a specific internal call that leads to salvation (Rom 1:6). Further, for some that God chooses, after being saved, there is also a specific call (kaleo) to a specific full time service in God’s vineyard, such as Christ’s calling of the Apostles in the
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Every Tuesday during our prayer meeting, we pray for the Myanmar Literature Ministry to forward God’s truth in Myanmar. This work is supported by BPCWA every month as part of our missionary support. With English as the main language used in the commercial and business world, much of the available Christian material is written in mainly in English. Through this literature ministry in Myanmar, good articles in English are translated into Myanmese and Chin language. BPCWA has requested for some of the translated Myanmese articles to be sent to us, so that they can be a potential resource for our own outreach to Myanmese friends or people that we come across. Appended below is an article written by
Read moreDear BPCWAians, As part of the Great Commission, Christ commands “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt 28:19). Understanding this context, when a new believer is baptised, they are required to take a solemn vow in the form of questions. In addition to the public assertion of their salvation and faith in Christ’s finished work, these are specific questions affirming their commitment to be a disciple of Christ. Today, we look at 3 aspects of the statements of this vow which many of us have taken. To give up sinful habits and live unto righteousness according to God’s Word. Baptism is “a
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