
About Our Church Constitution

Dear BPCWAians, Our ACM is just around the corner on the 16th September. And we will be conducting baptisms, affirmations, and membership transfers on the 14th October. One important document that is referred to for both events is our church Constitution. What is a church Constitution, what purpose does it serve, and why is it so important? It is important that we have a good understanding, because some may have the misconception that the Constitution is a legalistic and unpleasant document to bring up. Some members may not have even bothered to read it.

What is a church Constitution? The government requires that associations have a rule book, which in our case is the Constitution. The rules must declare how the association operates and is governed, the rights available to its members, how the management committee (i.e. in our case it is the Board of Elders and Session) works, and how meetings will run. The Constitution documents key items such as the objectives of the church, highlights its key doctrinal positions, its principles of government and administration, and its key practices. Moreover, it outlines the qualifications for and the rights of membership, and the obligations of its members. It also states the qualifications and responsibilities of the various elected office holders. With that, it states the powers and responsibilities of the Board of Elders and the Session, and the rules under which they are to operate. The Constitution is subservient to the Bible and not the other way around. Unlike the Bible, it can be changed and updated when the church deems necessary. But government regulations must be followed to ensure that changes are done properly and reported to the government.

What purpose does the church Constitution serve ? From the above, it can be seen that the Constitution serves to ensure that there is as little ambiguity as possible regarding the established doctrinal beliefs and aims, and the framework of rules for how a particular body functions. It also sets out clearly the qualifications, rights and obligations of members and leaders. In short, the important purpose that it serves is that it helps to regulate the direction and operations of the church, as well as the behaviour of every member in the church. For this reason, everyone who chooses to become a member must go through

Basic Bible Knowledge classes (which teach BPCWA’s beliefs and practices), accept the church Constitution in its entirety, and be interviewed by the Board of Elders to ensure that there is no misunderstanding in future. Since membership is totally voluntary, the church cannot and does not force anyone to accept the contents of the Constitution. However, anyone who chooses to join us in membership makes a declaration of full belief in the church’s doctrines and government, and vows to God publicly and commits to the church to abide by the Constitution. Having said that, anyone who over time changes in convictions and finds himself unwilling to submit to the Constitution can choose to transfer his membership to another church that better suits how he understands and interprets Scriptures. Nevertheless, such a person is welcome to stay as long as he keeps his vow not disrupt the unity and peace of the church by trying to persuade, directly or indirectly, other worshipers in BPCWA. God warns in Prov 6:16 and 19, “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him . . . he that soweth discord among brethren.” Hence, non members are also very welcome to worship with us and learn God’s Word here, but they should respect the church’s Constitution as well, because God hates those who sow discord.

Why is the church Constitution important? Firstly, without the Constitution, people do not know what the church stands for and how it will operate consistently. Why would you join such a church as a member? When the Constitution is not clearly upheld, then what doctrines the church believes in and practices, how members are accepted, how leaders are appointed, and how decisions will be made are all going to be dependent upon who are the leaders at that point, and what their own ideas and own convictions are. But when our church functions based firstly upon the Word and then the Constitution, we operate objectively and consistently regardless of what are the personal opinions and preferences of members or leaders. In short, BPCWA will operate impartially, orderly, and transparently to all as commanded by God, “I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality” (1 Tim 5:21). With everyone, including the leadership, being subject to a known and agreed upon referencecalled the Constitution, all are treated fairly and objectively. There will not be room for family cronyism, favouritism, or personal agendas. Constitutions ensure accountability at all levels because leaders and members alike are subject to it without exception. Even secular governments recognize its value and hence mandates it for associations.

Secondly, following the Constitution results in unity and peace in the church of God when leaders and members subscribe to the same understanding and interpretation of the Word of God, “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (4) There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; (5) One Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Eph 4:3-5). Contrary to the claims of some that the Constitution splits the church, it actually unites members, while pointing out those who sow discord. This is because when any disagreement arises in beliefs or in how the church is run, it does not matter what the leader or member feels or believes personally in that matter, but instead the objective reference of the Constitution is used. And since no one is above the Constitution, then all must submit to it as vowed. This is why no one should take up church leadership unless he is in full personal agreement and conviction with the entire Constitution. To take the leadership oath falsely without such conviction is perjury. The person will answer to God one day, not to mention the trouble such persons will eventually bring to the church. So, having a Constitution clearly known ensures unity of heart, mind, and purpose at all levels. And this brings a harmony that will forward the work of God instead of being hampered by constant infightings and arguments.

Thirdly, the stated beliefs and practices in the Constitution safeguards and protects BPCWA and God’s flock in it. With these being clearly stated, the Constitution prevents God’s children from being confused and deceived by anyone bringing in any erroneous and questionable teachings or practices especially in these end times. Ultimately, the Constitution preserves the faith once delivered unto the saints. The clear statements of faith in the Constitution ensure that the future generations are well aware of and continue in the sound doctrines upon which BPCWA is built upon. It protects the church against departing from sound beliefs and practices.

Let us remember – only those who would not agree with the church’s beliefs and government dislike a Constitution. Those who love church unity, impartiality, and the continued soundness of faith and practice in BPCWA will always value the church Constitution.

Yours in our Lord’s service
