Dear BPCWAians, In December 2018, we conducted a Holiday Bible Program which was on the theme “Godly Friendships”. Over 3 days, we taught the lessons on the “Purpose of friendships”, the “Basis of godly friendships”, and also warned about the “Danger of ungodly friendships”. These topics are certainly relevant not just to the students but to all adults too. Hence I felt it is crucial that I at least highlight some lessons taught so that we can all learn together regarding having godly friendships. Very often, whether as children or as adults, we choose friends simply on the basis that they are people that we find fun to be around, that we find easy to talk to, and that we
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Many of you will recall the various announcements for the 2018 Holiday Bible Program, and the requests for prayer support for this program. Since many may not have had children that attended the program, or even if you had, you may not really be clear why we have this program, and what do we do during the few days that the program was conducted. Why do we have the Holiday Bible Program? This is conducted primarily with the children of BPCWA worshippers in mind. During the school holidays, parents are sometimes at a loss as to how to keep them occupied. What better way then, than to use some of that time to conduct a mini “Bible School”
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Thank God for seeing us through yet another year of activities in BPCWA in 2018! You would have picked up the BPCWA 2019 bookmark calendar by now. Why do we produce this every year for you? Why do we plan for so many activities and meetings in church? There are good Biblical reasons for the calendar of activities. I hope that all worshippers will understand the reasons and thus make the effort and priority to come, and be continuing steadfastly to do so from here on. God exhorts us to gather. God’s Word calls believers to be found together, “. . . not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is . . .”
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Today is our first worship for the new year. For many of us as we look back on 2018, we often say to one another “how time has flown by”. Will it be such for us in 2019 in a peaceful way or will it be fraught with trials? Some in our midst are going through or have gone through major changes, some have been going through personal trials. Perhaps you ended off 2018 very differently from how the year started off. Now, you look at the new year ahead. Do you fear what 2019 will bring? I recap in my Pastoral today the Watchnight Service message, taken from Josh 1:7-9, to reinforce and prepare our hearts for
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