Dear BPCWAians, Several weeks ago, we announced the respective Family camps scheduled for this year. We are having an English and a Chinese Family camp that will be held in July (7 – 11 July) and September (30 Sept – 4 Oct) respectively. With separate English and Chinese camps this year, worshippers can now choose to attend the camp and hear the messages in the language medium in which they are most conversant with. We also hope that with this, more people in our midst will now plan to make it to either Family Camp this year. Why attend camp? Those who have not attended a camp full time for a number of years may feel reluctant to attend one
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Last Lord’s Day, those who are serving in any capacity were requested to stand together and renew our vows before God regarding our service to Him. While this is something that we have been doing for many years now, I feel that it is important to highlight two key areas that especially require recommitment at BPCWA. Commitment forms for key roles. The Word and the music ministries are key foundations of the church. It will affect the very ethos of the church, and eventually its soundness in both theology and practice. This is why Satan will always seek to attack these 2 areas. Therefore, anyone who serves in these 2 areas must be very consistent in their convictions,
Read moreDear BPCWAians, To those who have been with BPCWA for many years, the news of the homegoing of Dr Tow Siang Hwa, our founding Pastor, may have been met with sadness at the loss of a man who had become dear to many of us. Funerals are times when many memories are evoked. Many remember the precious memories and times shared with Dr Tow. Remembering the vigil and home going services. At the Sunday night service, Rev Quek exhorted from Phil 1:20-27, of how Dr Tow chose to live for Christ despite the beckoning of the world and success. Also, despite weakening health, he was willing to go on the stand in the courts to defend the Far Eastern Bible
Read moreDear BPCWAians, As mentioned in last week’s Pastoral, we will be beginning separate English and Chinese prayer meetings from 19 March. This week, we continue answering the question “Which prayer meeting should I join?” Important criteria for choosing. Last week, we saw the importance of being able to pray comfortably in the language of the group so that all can understand and say amen in accordance to Scriptural principles. This week, we see why it is critical that you can read the language. In the context of 1 Cor 14:14-17 about the use of languages in church, Paul also addressed singing, which is part of the worship of God. By having separate English and Chinese prayer meetings, those attending the
Read moreDear BPCWAians, In this week’s Pastoral letter, I wish to let you know that we shall soon begin to have both English and Chinese prayer meetings on Tuesday nights. This decision to have a Chinese prayer meeting is not a sudden decision. It has been made with careful deliberations within both the Board of Elders and the Session. After several discussions and prayerful considerations, we all feel that it is time to do so. The reasons. After the church split 10 years ago when we were left without a Pastor or Preacher, we had no choice but to combine both the English and Chinese worship services and prayer meetings. As communicated in the Friday fellowship groups’ combined meeting on
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