Dear BPCWAians, We live in an information age, full of information from many sources. Daily, many of us get our information for different areas of our lives from various forms of media. While previously handwritten materials were the main, if not only, means of passing on information, the dissemination of information was greatly accelerated with the invention of the printing press. This invention, which greatly advanced the cause of the Reformation through the printing of Bibles, marked the start of print media. Since the use of print media greatly aided the advancement of God’s truth in the 1500s, does it mean that all “Christian” media is good today? Types of modern media used for dissemination of information. The last few
Read moreDear BPCWAians, As we approach the end of the year, it is an exciting and busy period for the church, with several major activities coming up. The Christmas Gospel meeting, the Christmas Day Service, Watchnight Service, and the Holiday Bible Program are all taking place within a 3 week period. So why do we plan these into our church calendar and activities? What part do you have to play in these activities? Why do we even take the trouble to prepare the invitation flyers for distribution to our worshippers? We do so for 2 reasons:- 1. So that you and your family can worship God and grow through all these activities yourselves. 2) So that each of you can think
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Last week we saw that God does not prohibit women from teaching in the church. Also, we established that the Bible does not limit women to teach on things related to womanhood only. But what about women being told by the Apostle Paul to “keep silence in the churches” (1 Cor 14:34) and “I suffer not a woman to teach” (1 Tim 2:12)? Are there contradictions in Scriptures? Who can women teach? The Bible does not contradict itself. Some people erroneously use these verses to insist that women cannot teach women in church. We shall look at these this week. What does women to “keep silence in the churches” (1 Cor 14:34) refer to? Firstly, we know it
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Recently, someone imbibed and sought to convince some in our church the belief that women should not be allowed to teach women anything relating to doctrines. This person, before leaving our church, tried to sway people to believe that women can only teach things related to womanhood. And even if women were allowed to teach these things, the women must not do so in the church building, but in people’s houses instead. Is this a biblical concept? What does the Bible say about women teaching in the church? What can women teach? The need to address this issue. Worshippers may hold different views about certain practices, but when the views are clearly unbiblical, it is no longer a
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