Dear BPCWAians, We announced last week that we will be having an online camp this year, and that we encourage worshippers to continue to keep these dates free to join us for the camp. In today’s pastoral, I would like to emphasize why we are still having a family camp, give worshippers an update of what this year’s camp will be like, God willing, what you need to do, and what to expect. There is no reason why you should not be able to attend the camp this year! You have more time on your hands. Your companies are likely to approve your leave, and you cannot be travelling. There are no worries about a long-distance drive to camp and
Read moreDear BPCWAians, A fortnight ago, we conducted an online church communication. It covered some very important changes that will be happening. The communication was to update worshippers of the church extension, and of English and Chinese Worship Services. I later realised that some did not tune in due to various reasons. And some who did watch were not very clear about what was communicated. Hence, I felt it is important to give an overview of the communication here in my Pastoral today, even for those who did attend, to reiterate these critical changes that will be implemented when we return to church physically. Revisiting the aims of our building extension. 1) Resolve the space problems we currently face. 2) Provide
Read moreDear BPCWAians, This is an Easter perhaps like no other that we have seen. In typical years, many of us would have started the day early at Easter Sunrise Service, gone back to church for breakfast before going for the Easter Worship Service and celebrating our church anniversary together. So, how will you spend this Easter? By the time you read this Pastoral, it would have been Easter morning. For those that used to go for Easter Sunrise Service, were you eagerly awaiting the online Easter Service though we could not have the Sunrise Service? How we spend Easter this year will be a test of whether we previously spent it the way we did out of love for our
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Over the past few weeks, the media had our eyes and attention largely directed towards the global COVID-19 crisis. Understandably, we too have had to expand resources in responding to the restrictions as they are announced. Thankfully, we have had no significant announcement over the past week that has required us to react to, though improvements in the livestreaming and audio-visual processes continue. I, for one, was greatly disappointed when our hope of even a smaller gathering during our regular outdoor Easter Sunrise could not go ahead because our booking was cancelled by Melville Council due to the new measures. While understandable, yet it is still inevitably sad. And I also began to wonder, if amidst the hive
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