
Church Communication and Update

Dear BPWAians, Last week, we conducted a church communication immediately following both our English and Chinese Worship Services to update worshippers on some items relating to queries raised during our recent Annual Congregational Meeting. As we have learned how important our bulletin records are for what happens in the church, I felt that it is important to pen this summary. This week, I will cover the update regarding Yew Jinn as a full-time worker. Next week, I will cover the other part of the communication regarding the mission fund.

Yew Jinn’s role. In the Board of Elders’ meeting with Yew Jinn to review his 2½ years of full- time service in BPCWA as a pastoral trainee, Yew Jinn shared that he felt for some time that he was not called to the ministry, and not simply that he was not called to the pastoral ministry. As we did not expect this, we advised him to take more time to prayerfully consider it and not rush into a hasty decision since it was a serious decision. At the next follow-up meeting, Yew Jinn once again told the BOE that he had prayed and considered, and was not called to the preaching ministry. We counselled him that one could indeed be called full- time, but yet not called to preach or the pastoral ministry. We suggested different scenarios of full-time work in BPCWA and told him that we would still have a need for such a full-time worker. But it had to be only if he was indeed called by God into full-time service. Though Yew Jinn was sure that he was clear that his answer would still be the same regardless of whether it was for a full-time position in BPCWA or another church, we asked him to still take some more time to reconsider his decision yet again. In the 3rd meeting, Yew Jinn remained sure that even given more time, his conclusion would still be that he was not called to the full-time ministry. With this, we realised that we have to submit to God’s sovereignty on this matter and also do what was right for the church. A copy of Yew Jinn’s statement at the communication session has been appended to this pastoral for the purpose of those who were not present. Please do take some time to read through it as well.

Moving Forward. As communicated, BPCWA should only engage as a full-time worker those who meet His qualifications and whom God calls specifically into His full-time ministry in BPCWA. To do God’s will and in consideration for the well-being of the church, Yew Jinn has courageously done the right and honourable thing based on God’s preceptive, directive, and cooperative will (1 Tim 3:1, 1 Tim 5:22, 1 Cor 7:20). While he desired a good thing to serve our Lord in the full-time ministry, he submits to God’s will that it was not for him, and he should abide in God’s will for his life. We have always taught this in church, and the church should learn from this as we see Yew Jinn’s choice. There will be a time of transition where he remains in employment at BPCWA, and while he prepares to move out of Jeremiah, and while we work out the areas of service moving forward. Let us respect the difficult but God honouring decision that Yew Jinn has made, and help him and his family to move forward and serve as lay members in BPCWA.

Your role. We have been transparent in what occurred, and plead that no one will lend themselves to be used by the devil to create unrest and issues by speculating and imagining things that did not happen. Please speak to me or Yew Jinn if you have any questions about this, and be catalysts of peace and unity. While this is all rather sudden to us, we will take some time to work through the details. There will be no change to the English and Chinese congregations and worship services, though I will now preach at the Chinese worship services. As a lay person who has been theologically trained, Yew Jinn may continue to be requested to teach at Bible studies or meetings using pre-set materials and what I have covered before in the English congregation.

God must call, not us. My personal desire was and still is to have a Chinese full-time worker to help in the needed work in BPCWA. But my personal desire is irrelevant. It is not my church, but it is God’s church and He does things according to His own timing and choice. I do not choose when or whom I wish to be in His full-time service. He must call and when He calls, He will equip and help them. Full-time ministry is ultimately a calling. God separates someone for that work (Rom 1:1) – not because they are better, but simply because He is the one that chooses. Full-time ministry is not easy. It requires one to bear reproach, to labours more abundant, in weariness, and to the care of the church (2 Cor 11:21-28). Only one who is called will receive the grace from God (Rom 1:5) to do His work. When one is fully persuaded that that is what God has chosen for him in his life, then he has the full assurance that what He had promised, He was able also to perform. (Rom 4:21). Conversely, one who is not called will not receive the needed grace from God under the pressures of the ministry, leading to problems in the church and in his personal life. A square peg in a round hole creates pressures that shouldn’t exist because it wasn’t made to fit there. The timing of last Sunday’s sermon regarding what is or is not a full-time call was a comfort to me, knowing that God times all things. As I shared, that portion of Joshua that was preached last week was unplanned.

We trust in the living God, and as we have always taught and known, we must submit to Christ, the Head of BPCWA, in what He ordains, as Yew Jinn has also done. All things work together for good (Rom 8:28) and even if we cannot now see nor understand it, yet by faith we must accept this joyfully as God’s good will for BPCWA. Let BPCWA not waver in our service for our King of kings, for as we can attest from our experience, He has always and will always be watching over His church. Let us be faithful while we await His soon coming.

Phil 1:27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ . . . that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel

Yours in our Lord’s service,


Yew Jinn’s Testimony

After much prayer and consideration, I realise that I am not called to full-time ministry, therefore I have made the decision to resign from BPCWA as a full-time staff worker.

I believed that I was called to full-time ministry before I went to FEBC. After I graduated from FEBC, I prayerfully considered and believed that the Lord led me and my family to return and serve full time in BPCWA. In this period of 2 years, I have tried my very best to prayerfully improve on my preaching skills, which I knew is most crucial. I bought the necessary tools, and worked hard to apply what I had learnt in FEBC. Despite these, I realise that I still am unable to properly interpret and apply passages preached. My own assessment of this lack of gift to preach was further confirmed by the church leaders’ assessment of my preaching in the past 2 years. With these, I am clear in my heart that it is not God’s calling for me to serve in the full-time ministry, and in submission to His will, it is also best for the flock that I do not continue on.

I would like to thank BPCWA for the opportunity to serve full time in your midst for the past 2 years. I would also like to thank BPCWA Session for kindly providing for our family in terms of accommodation, transport etc. All that has been provided has been more than enough for our needs, and we truly appreciate your generosity towards us.

I will continue to serve with the BPCWA family as a lay member, and will gladly serve in any capacity that Session sees fit. Please continue to pray for our family as we continue to serve our Lord as a lay person in the BPCWA family.

Yew Jinn