Month: March 2022

Am I a Soldier of Christ?

Dear BPCWA worshipper,  Today, we are not just hearing of “of wars and rumours of wars” (Matt 24:6) – we are witnessing them. The day is far spent, we must progress His kingdom. Soldiers of Christ, arise and put your armour on! I hope that by now, we realise that we are called to be soldiers of Christ. As I mentioned last week, this is not about engaging in a physical warfare or being active in the political arena. Rather, it is about progressing His kingdom’s work individually and through His church. It is about a soldier vowing to defend and protect his nation’s cause. Today, I want us to understand what being a soldier of Christ requires of every

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Soldiers of Christ Arise

Dear BPCWA worshipper, At the end of February, while most Ukrainians were asleep, Russia launched a series of missiles into their homeland. This was the start of the war that has since caught the attention of the world as Ukraine struggles against the onslaught of the Russians. As I watched it over the news, it was the first time I’d heard the sound of war sirens. I have only heard of such war sirens in history museums’ videos of past wars long ago, not in a present-day situation.  For now, while God spares us the ravages of war in Australia, we who live during these times can learn many spiritual lessons from the war that we are witnessing from across

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The Reminder of a Flood

Dear BPCWA worshipper, Summer is over, and it has been a summer where Perth residents experienced record-breaking scorching temperatures. Yet, on the other side of Australia, the eastern states experienced torrential rains caused by El Nina coupled with the effects of climate change. It truly reminds us, “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now” (Rom 8:22). While WA often struggles with the lack of rain, when we see what happened in the east, we cannot but be reminded of the great deluge thousands of years ago which changed the history of mankind forever.  The extent of flooding in Australia. The photographs and news of the floods in Queensland and New South Wales

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Our Bible-Presbyterian Bible College

Dear BPCWA worshipper, Over the years, you may have noticed several announcements or prayers in the bulletin referencing the Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC). Last week, we published in the bulletin an excerpt of the short history of the Bible College. Why do we promote, pray for, and give our support to FEBC?  Why must there be Bible Colleges? It is often quoted that “without the Bible College, the Church would die”. The church, by God’s definition, is “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15). A Bible college never replaces or overshadows the church, but instead supports it to fulfill this role. It is the church’s duty to teach. The Bible college enables the church to do

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