Dear BPCWA worshipper, I want to use this pastoral to recap the message God directed our hearts to during the Watchnight Service as we closed off 2024. I hope we will all take to heart the lessons God gave us through His Word as we entered 2025. The message was from 2 Timothy 4:6-8, “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, This is the first Lord’s Day of 2025. Soon after the celebration of Christmas on 25th December, we ended yet another year. Each passing year marks another year checked off of our lives and this world’s existence. Yet another year was ushered in at the stroke of midnight on Wednesday as 2024 closed and 1st January 2025 started. The uncertainty of life. While we often wish for a good year, 2024 ended on a rather ominous note for the world. The last days of 2024 were marked by tragedy, with 2 plane crashes happening a few days apart, in Kazakhstan and Korea. With flying becoming a normal occurrence in modern life, those who boarded their planes probably
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, Before we close the chapter for 2024, I want to use this pastoral to revisit our church theme for the year. It is apt even that we do so now, after the Christmas celebrations that commemorate our Saviour’s 1st coming. When we put that together with how Christ walked while on earth, it should make the remembrance of His birth even more meaningful for 1 John 2:6 says, “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked”. Christ was born to live out the Father’s will. Let us also remember that we must walk on this same path, living only to do our heavenly Father’s will. In Christ.1) The
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, With only 3 days before Christmas, the world is rushing by in preparation for their festivities. It is easy to get drawn into the world’s revelry and way of life, forgetting why we, as Christians, celebrate Christmas. It is a good time for us to ponder the heralding angels’ proclamation that eventful night, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Lu 2:14). Last year, we considered “on earth peace”, so I want to consider “good will toward men” today. God’s good will. The word “good will” comes from a compound word in Greek, made up of eu (good) and dokeo (think) which when put together would be “good thoughts”, referring
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, We live in an uncertain world. When I first came to Australia, many elderlies who had been living in Perth for many years told me how safe Perth was. They could leave their doors open (without fences) and no harm would come to them. Sadly, things are different now. A church worshipper who closed the side door of their house but accidentally forgot to lock it when they came to church returned home to find that an opportunistic intruder had entered while they were out, in broad daylight. But though it is certainly traumatic returning to a ransacked house, we live in a world today where emergency incidents may happen whether the building is empty or in
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, The world’s influences have and will always have a significant impact on the church. The church is intended to be made up of people called out from the world, to be a light to the world. BPCWA is a local church. As a church witness, we are to reach out to people as part of the Great Commission. The significance of being “called out” will become more apparent and distinct as we live in the perilous times of the last days (2Ti 3:1). The darker the influences, the brighter the church must shine for Christ. While we want to be zealous in reaching out to everyone, BPCWA must never forget that God’s purpose for His church is
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, From the vantage point of the world and even many believers, the church is “changing for the better” and it must continue to progress with the people’s desires in this world to “remain relevant”. We must realise that this is not just a concept, but it is something that will affect us in BPCWA. I want to explain further today why there is such a great chasm between us and the world and how we must respond. Hold on to our doctrines. The church is called to hold forth the word of life (Php 2:16). This is our fundamental mission, without which we cannot be God’s faithful witness and light in this ever-darkening and sin-filled world. Biblical values
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, The values of the world can spread rapidly and extensively. It is easily fuelled by technology and the convenience of travel. These means transport trends and people around the globe at an unprecedented pace in man’s history. These changes have affected the beliefs and mindsets, music preferences, and the thinking ability of the populace at large. Inevitably, these influences have affected churches too. The word “church” is from the Greek word ekklesia, which means the called-out ones. It is a precise description of what God intends for the body of people that make up His church. Together, they embody people who have been called out from the world, saints who have been sanctified and set apart unto
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, Last week, we saw how Christians should live godly lives in an ungodly world, and not be swept along by the world. Importantly, we must consider how the ungodly world can affect the church’s function and mission. What are some of these changes that we must note because they will affect God’s church more and more? Changes in beliefs and mindsets. Education, media, interest groups, and legislature push agendas to promote mindsets of what they want the world to believe in and about what should be acceptable, even desirable, norms. People are brought up from young to embrace these values. The world’s standards are inculcated in them about what is right and what to reject. Naturally, country
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, We live in a time when society seems to be at the crossroads of change. When a religion is the dominant force in that society, the values will reflect that of the religion. This was so during the Middle Ages when the church influenced society at large. By God’s providential appointment, Australia was established as a commonwealth of the United Kingdom. With their influence, the beginning of many of society’s values and laws here were largely consistent with Christian values and morals. In the United States of America, during a resurgence of religion, a bill was signed to have “In God We Trust” printed on all American currency. God only intended Israel to be a nation uniquely
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