Dear BPCWA worshipper, We had our Triennial elections and Annual Congregational Meeting last Sunday. We thank God for a smooth ACM and also for showing His will in having the Session elected to their respective church offices. Following the results of the election, the ordination of Elder Leong was also conducted before members at the Act of Ordination where Elder Leong vowed and declared his convictions, call, and commitments. Thereafter, the previous BPCWA BOE laid hands to ordain him as an elder. He then received his charge for his office as a ruling elder. With this having been completed, we can install our new Session during today’s service. I would also like to recap in this pastoral the exhortation that
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, Members in good standing will be voting for the Session of BPCWA in our Triennial Elections after the worship service today. It has been my prayer, and I hope yours too, that the vote of members will reflect those whom God intends to be serving in our Session. To prepare the Session members to serve BPCWA together for the next 3 years, I have planned for a Session retreat next week, on the King’s Birthday public holiday. The Session retreat will be held in church and is a full-day working session for the new Session. I thought it would be good to have worshippers understand why we are planning for this, and what we will cover during
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, Next week will be our Annual Congregational Meeting. Together with this meeting will be our elections. I have written the past few pastorals to update and provide you with the necessary information for the elections. With all this information, how should you vote? Understand why you are voting. Although we are not a congregational church, we do incorporate elections into our process for the appointment of church officeholders. The primary reason for having elections is for the protection of the church. Having an election once every 3 years is the way members exercise their responsibility to protect the church by ensuring that errant Session members are not voted in and will be removed from office at the
Read moreDear BPCWA worshipper, After having written about the Session and deacons, I will discuss the offices in the Board of Elders this week. As you have seen in last week’s candidate testimonies, the Board has nominated Dn Eugene to stand for the office of elder in the upcoming election. Since we do not currently have another elder in BPCWA and this office may be relatively unfamiliar to many of you, I will elaborate more on the Board of Elders today. Please read the pastoral on 13 August for more details on how the BOE functions in a Presbyterian church. Joint oversight of the church. Elders in the BOE are jointly responsible for the care of the church. It is obvious
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