Month: December 2023

Return To Give Glory

Dear BPCWA worshipper, This being the last day of the year, tonight is our Combined Watchnight Thanksgiving Service. Certainly, it will be a long day – beginning at 9 am for most of the English worshippers attending BBK or Sunday School. In the afternoon, we will have the Chinese Worship Service while several teams will also be ministering at the Nursing Homes. Finally, we will have our Watchnight Service at 7:30 pm and close off the year with prayer together after the Service. Even for a normal Lord’s Day, it would be a pretty full day for many. But isn’t being caught up in the Lord’s work till we usher in the New Year the best way to spend our

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And On Earth Peace

Dear BPCWA worshipper, Today is Christmas Eve, and tomorrow we commemorate the birth of Christ when He came to earth and took on human flesh more than two thousand years ago. Last Lord’s Day, we sang the hymn “The First Noel”, which resounded with the chorus “Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Born is the King of Israel!” As the Light of the world, the announcement of Christ’s coming through this momentous birth would bring unparalleled joy and eternal hope to mankind. The world when Christ was born. Israel was God’s chosen witness to the world and appointed in God’s plan to bring forth the promised Messiah, Christ. God intended Israel to point all men to the Almighty God. God would give

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Recapturing our 2023 Church Theme (Part 2)

Dear BPCWA worshipper, Let us continue to recap our church theme for this year fromEph 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watchingthereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints”. Watching in prayer. The word for “watch” here means “to keep awake”. But, mybrethren, can I ask, how has been your life of prayer since then and recently? Have youbeen watching thereunto? Or have you been distracted or slumbering again? This iscertainly why I am recapping the church theme in greater detail here. Perhaps we mayhave gone to the church camp and our hearts were challenged. Reminded by the Wordand roused by the atmosphere and the time allocated to prayer during the camp, werenewed

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Recapturing our 2023 Church Theme

Dear BPCWA worshipper, The year is coming to an end, and it is apt for us to remindourselves of our 2023 theme taken from Eph 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer andsupplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance andsupplication for all saints.” This verse is not just something for the Pastor or churchleaders. As long as you call yourself a Christian, this verse is for you and God is tellingyou what He wants your prayer life to be like. Prayer is expected in every Christian’s life. This statement almost needs not to besaid and certainly should never be disputed by any truly born-again believer. Whatdo you think of a marriage where the husband and wife don’t speak

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Sowing must come before harvesting  

Dear BPCWA worshipper, We live in an agricultural country with varying seasons. Over the past few months, the time was ripe for strawberry picking. Though we may not be familiar with the life of the farmer, many of us are at least familiar with a bit of gardening. Even children may know the little herb, flower, or vegetable seed sachets that are sold from stores which give instructions on the best season to sow the respective plants. Try as you may in the care of the plants, some herbs will not produce their usual bushy leaves at certain times as they prepare to bear seed. Experienced gardeners know when to expect the plants in their gardens to seed and will

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