Dear BPCWAians, To all His disciples, Christ says “Follow me” (Matt 16:24) as part of His call to discipleship. Disciples must be followers, and we are to call others to do likewise. But as we fulfil the Great Commission, there are some aspects about following that we must be mindful of. Whether it is Facebook or Instagram or Twitter, social media has made the idea of “follow” a part of everyday life. Pages and articles teach people how to build a followership. People want to be noticed, and knowingly or unknowingly, having a “following” panders to a person’s pride. The movie industry knows how powerful a motivator a fan club is to a movie star. And subtly, having fans or
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Every week and at almost every activity, we have the Word of God preached and taught to us in church. This is important, as it must be the focus of every church. Discipleship is not a magic zap that makes one holy. God’s way to sanctification is through the washing of water of the word (Eph 5:26). Discipleship begins with learning through the listening of God’s Word. We have Bible Studies for different groups in BPCWA. As your Pastor, I can only do my part to ensure that the teaching is sound and it is faithful. But how do you listen to the Word of God? The wrong ways to listen to God’s Word. Some schools offer a
Read moreDear BPCWAians, In my Pastoral on Easter Sunday, I wrote about the church’s charter to make disciples of Christ. A disciple is a learner and follower for Christ. Discipleship begins with ourselves, before we can be disciples of Christ. What was our response to that? Perhaps some of us may have thought in our hearts “Yes, I have believed in Christ and so I am His disciple”. Certainly, salvation is the first step to discipleship, but it doesn’t end there. In Matt 4:19, we see Christ calling the brothers Peter and Andrew to “Follow me”. We teach our children how Peter and his brother “straightway left… and followed him.” (Matt 4:20) But following comes with a cost. Many are not
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Last weekend was a blessed time for all Christians. It began with the Good Friday Service, followed by the Easter Sunrise, and then our regular Sunday Worship Service. And many of us closed off this weekend with our 32nd Anniversary Dinner. Good Friday. It has always been a special privilege to be able to gather as God’s people and partake of the Holy Communion that night, and especially meaningful to commemorate our Lord’s last supper in church with our covenantal family. At the Passover, children were present (Exod 12:26), and so it was a joy to see families bring their children with them to commemorate our Lord’s last night at the Good Friday Service. God’s Word from
Read moreDear BPCWAians, Today, Christians around the world rejoice at the remembrance of Christ’s triumph over sin and death in His resurrection. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to proclaim to unbelievers the finished work of Christ on the cross for our salvation. The completion and the fulfilment of God’s promised redemption for fallen man through His only begotten Son. We have heard many accounts of Christ’s work, and we faithfully proclaim that salvation is all of Christ, and not through the smallest iota of good works on our part. But dear Christian, do you realise that when Christ finished the work that His Father sent Him to do, He left you with work to do? The Unfinished Commission. Aptly
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