Month: May 2024

Minding Myself – The Christian’s Mental Health 2

Dear BPCWA worshipper, We continue on the subject of a Christian’s mental health this week. Though unanticipated, we have had in the news even more mentions of mental health over the past week. Given the current issues in society, such news is also not too surprising since our minds reflect who we are and control what we say and do in society as well. As we mentioned last week, even the world acknowledges that due to the “lack of coping skills and resilience. Worry, stress, and anxiety can build up over a long period of time. They can reach a point where a person is no longer able to cope or perform their normal daily tasks”. Do not misinterpret this

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Minding Myself – The Christian’s Mental Health

Dear BPCWA worshipper, This week, we continue on the theme of the mind, though in another aspect. Thus far, we have seen how what fills the mind becomes what we are. One’s character and demeanour are shaped by what one’s mind is like. This means that Christians must be very mindful of the thoughts that fill our minds each day. Certainly, there are many more remedies that God gives to us of how to reign over our minds. We often don’t realise that our minds are a spiritual battleground. But just like in any other battle, we can fight or throw up our hands, surrender, and let ourselves be overrun. If we think we cannot fight the battle, we will

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