
Camp reflections (II) – Exceeding wisdom of the conies, locusts, and spider

Dear BPCWAians, We have learnt from the preparedness of the ant. Let us now reflect on the remaining exceeding wise creatures in Prov 30:26-28, “The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks; (27) The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands; (28) The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces.”

Conies: Precaution. Take precautions! Be safe! The conies (rock hyraxes) know they are weak against larger predators. We need to know we are feeble and we can fall spiritually. They climb to great heights to live where most predators would not be able to get to them. We need to be willing to go to any lengths to avoid falling into sin because we know we are spiritually vulnerable. We must not flirt with sin. Instead, we should make every effort to avoid sinning. Unless we acknowledge that we are easily tempted, and we do yield to sin easily, we will likely not take great steps to keep away from places, situations, and people that could cause us to fall in thoughts or actions. The conies know predators want to devour them. We must know Satan the roaring lion is walking around and wants to devour us. Conies actively stay away from the lowlands and seek safety elsewhere. Living the in high rocky areas would also mean that their choices of food are reduced. That is something they sacrifice willingly to ensure safety. Safety is priority, not ease and pleasure. A certain job may pay more, certain friendships may be more fun and exciting, certain hobbies may be more interesting, and certain places may be more entertaining; but are they a risk to my falling prey to sin? Moreover, while in the high plains, conies act further to seek safety. They live in and remain near cracks and clefts. They do this to be able to be safe from the birds of prey. They build their homes there. Avoiding temptations is not enough. We need to also ensure our ongoing safety like the exceeding wise conies, by building their homes in safe places. We do this by constantly staying near Christ. What does this entail? It means to keep listening to what He says by studying His Word. Even while feeding, conies take heed to the unmistakable shrill cries of other conies on the lookout for danger and scamper to safety quickly once the warning comes. That is what keeps them safe. We must not only listen to, but must also respond quickly when the Word warns us of sin! We must not only prevent sin by avoiding them, but also promote safety by knowing God’s Word and obeying it.

Locusts: Purposeful.Purposeful unity seen when the locusts band together in flight. They move in unison and direction. A single locust is weak, insignificant and easily crushed. But when they form a swarming band, they are a force that mankind still fears greatly and struggles against today. Locusts are green in a solitary state, but its body changes to a mixed colour of brown, red, and yellow when it bands up. It enters into a gregarious state. It becomes friendly and team oriented. God is not against kings and leaders when He says they have no king and yet are a powerful force. The aspect to learn from these gregarious locusts is that they move and remain in unity without needing to be constantly directed to do so. They know instinctively that unity is needed to survive and be strong. What unites them? Their common purpose to survive. In fact, any locusts in the band that becomes individualistic and seeks to disrupt the dynamics of the swarming band will be eaten up by those near it! Scientists know that if they can cause parts of the swarm to become individualistic, they are able to disband the swarm. Let us learn to be constantly promoting and preserving unity in our homes and church without needing to be constantly reminded to stop being self centered and individualistic. Let us not only remain gregarious, but when others turn individualistic, sow discord, and gossip, let us seek to stop them because we know such behaviours will impact the strength and survival of BPCWA. Do you want BPWCA to be disbanded? Let us rally around the purpose of Christ and His work in BPCWA. Let us not be Satan’s tool to help spread discord. Instead, help work on issues because you purpose to promote and preserve unity. The church is not perfect, neither is its leaders or its members. But if we purpose to achieve unity, stay united, and not  be individualistic, we will be strong in God’s work, and survive till Christ returns.

Spiders: Patient Perseverance. Keep persevering and be patient not to give up! We recalled the famous story of Robert Bruce who almost gave up fighting for his throne in Scotland, against King Edward I of England. But when in hiding, he was stirred to persevere because he witnessed a spider which patiently persevered despite falling again and again in its initial attempt to spin its web across 2 points. Robert Bruce then resolved to go on battling and he eventually triumphed. The Christian must be wise not to give up in our spiritual battles. We may fall but we must not give up and give in. We must pick ourselves up and continue to strive by Christ’s help to obey Him again. We must be patient. Results will come. Sanctification is an ongoing process. We progress as we patiently persevere. The spider uses all its hands to work. Keep studying God’s Word and obey Him patiently. Victory will come. Satan wants you to quit and just live the worldly carnal life because the godly path is narrow and the flesh dislikes it. The spider works resolutelyandresourcefullyand can be in kings’ palaces where man would love to be present in. The point is not about working hard so that you can get to high places in life. Rather, as long as we keep striving patiently, we will not fail and can be found where others can only long for spiritually by God’s grace. Do not give up when the study of and obedience to God’s Word is not easy. Be patient though you seem to feel that you are not growing as fast. Keep persevering in your spiritual walk. You can prepare like the ant, take precautions like the conies, and purpose to maintain unity. But unless you patiently persevere when things get difficult, when the flesh is weary and unwilling, you will still fall.

May our Lord help us to humbly learn from God’s exceeding wisdom found in these insignificant and vulnerable creatures in our daily lives!

Yours in our Lord’s service
