
Praying for BPCWA

Dear BPCWAians, Last week, we looked at the biblical principle of praying for other churches. As we serve God in this part of Australia, we must continue to be concerned about the faithfulness of God’s work being upheld in other parts of Australia and the world. Though they are not in Perth, we must also be labouring in prayer for them too, that they will not fall. But at the same time, do you pray for BPCWA? You may say, yes, I pray for this or that church activity, or for this worshipper or that worshipper. That is well and good. We must continue to do that. But what exactly should we pray for BPCWA as a church?

What must we pray for? What are some very key things to pray for BPCWA in your personal closet, family worships, and during our church prayer meetings? The following are some important items to regularly and faithfully support the church in prayer for.

1) To be faithful to the end. Many churches that were once faithful and used mightily of God are either compromising today or are no longer in existence. BPCWA will not be spared from Satan’s attack. Do you hope that our future generation will have a sound church to worship, grow, and serve God in? Then pray that BPCWA will always be faithful in doctrines and practices during these last days. Ask God to help us practice Biblical separation to keep out false teachings and to not compromise so as to please man. Also, ask God to keep BPCWA’s teaching sound and pure so that this church will always be green pastures and safe waters for His sheep to grow in. Ask God to keep BPCWA to be a God centered and not man centered church. Do pray that BPCWA will keep away from Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) and carnal modern worship styles. Ask God to teach us to fear only Him and be a church after His own heart to our very last day on earth so that He will be pleased to lead His true sheep to BPCWA and use it mightily for His Kingdom.

2) To not be a worldly church. As a church, we must be people that are called out from the world. A worldly church will not have God’s personal presence to guide and will not be used of Him. Always pray that BPCWA will not be carnal and worldly. Ask God to keep us from loving the things of the world. May its worshippers not be proud and obsessed with worldly successes and possessions. May its people’s conversations and life’s focus be about spiritual pursuits and not about job positions, prestigious schools, successes of children and grandchildren, size of homes and cars, and brands of clothing. Pray that BPCWA will never seek to be an “atas” (high class) church where people come to compare and to show off their worldly achievements. Pray that BPCWA will have worshippers and families who are truly spiritual, who love to study God’s Word to obey Him, who seek His Kingdom first, and make choices in life that always put His kingdom first, no matter what it may cost us in terms of financials, reputation, or comfort. Pray for a praying church that looks to God, depends on God in all things and trusts in Him instead of our own wisdom and strength. At the same time, pray that BPCWA will not be proud of any achievement when God uses us, keeps us sound, and keeps us faithful. Pray that we will always serve God humbly and for His glory.

3) To have godly leaders. Pray that BPCWA will always have leaders are God fearing men at all levels and areas. Pray for leaders who love God’s Word, who constantly study it, and know Scriptures well in order to lead the church and ministries. Pray that they have genuine convictions from their heart so that they will voluntarily uphold and defend the doctrinal truths and the church’s stand. Pray that BPCWA’s leaders will practice Biblical separation at both personal and church levels because leaders are to be examples and to safeguard the church from compromise and infiltration. Pray for godly men who will stand courageously to protect God’s flock against any persons, teachings, or practices that would dilute the purity of the doctrine and life of our church. Pray that God will unite, protect, strengthen, and grant discernment to its leaders. Pray that BPCWA’s leaders at all levels will always do that which is right in God’s eyes, and not be partial because of relationships, friendship, or favours. Pray that BPCWA will have prayerful leaders who lean upon God and not on their own experience and wisdom. Pray that BPCWA will in every generation have godly men who are ready to deny self and serve Him in the church, who will fulfil all the qualifications of church leaders in their conscience and in their lives.

4) To be united in Biblical love and service. Nothing is as destructive to a church as one that “self-destructs” through internal conflicts (Mk 3:25). A house divided in itself cannot stand. An effective tool that the devil uses to disrupt the progress of God’s work is this tactic which he uses very successfully in many churches. All the above prayer items are of no avail if there were not unity of hearts and purpose. Pray that God will teach BPCWA to be united in love based upon God’s Truth, and not based upon personal preferences. We must seek peace and unity at all costs, but never at the cost of Truth. Also, pray that God will prevent any one from among us from sowing discord among the brethren. Ask God for carefulness in our thought, speech, and action so that we will not be used of Satan to do his diabolical work. Let us be humble and not self centered, but always seeking to do good to others. Pray that BPCWA will stand firmly together as a family in Christ. At the same time, pray that the church will have discernment to discern and deal with infiltrators who seek to subvert the church’s beliefs and cause divisions.

We must learn to pray for BPCWA. The above list is not exhaustive. Satan continues to desire to sift us as wheat, and will not leave BPCWA alone if we continue to serve God faithfully. New problems will arise if we are complacent and do not watch and pray. Praying for the church is an indication of your love for BPCWA. I hope you will keep this list always with you to use in your personal and family prayer weekly, if not daily. So finally, “Brethren, pray for us” (1 Thess 5:25) – in your homes, in our prayer meetings, in your prayer closets.

Yours in our Lord’s service
